Fire and Iron Productions are so happy to welcome several new members to the family! Nathan Rees- Nathan is a writer, actor and director from Neath, Wales. With a particular focus on structure and the creation/development of complex story lines, Nathan will be join us as our Head Writer for all Fire and Iron Projects.
Kate Abbott- Kate is a creative and an actor from Rugby, Warwickshire. Kate has expressed a particular interest in the behind-the-scenes workings of film and looks now to join us as our 1st AD - she will also be managing the day to day scheduling of Fire and Iron as well as assisting in organising and running all Fire and Iron Projects.
Christine Crompton- Christine is a Marketing specialist from Leipzig, Germany. She has taken over control of our social media and is ensuring that our brand consistently reflects our values of Opportunity, Inclusivity and Passion.
Sophie Wyatt- Sophie is an audio engineer from London. Her love of audio in film has made her a great addition to the Post production team and given Marcus someone to talk to about all things sound! Jacob Luxton- Jacob joins us from Southend. He is an aspiring young creative looking to increase his already admirable knowledge and understanding of the practical creation of film with Fire and Iron. Jacob will be assisting as part of the creative crew on all projects.